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Living sober is a challenge, especially in a world where it seems like there’s temptation around every corner. Even with the best of intentions, its easy to slip up if you don’t plan ahead. Recovery stretches long beyond group therapy or intensive, in-patient treatment. Here are five ways to help you come up with a game plan to stay sober:

Visualize Your Goals

It’s easier to stick to your goals if you clearly understand them. You might want to write out mantras on your bathroom mirror, keep a daily journal of your intentions, or explain your goals to friends and family. Other strategies include creating a vision board and meditating on how you’ll achieve the life you want.

Get Friends and Family Involved

Although your loved ones aren’t responsible for your sobriety, they may be eager to support you on this journey. Tell them how they can help. This could include keeping temptation out of the house, including you in activities, helping you keep appointments, and providing a listening ear as they’re able to.

Build a Healthy Lifestyle

Now that your addiction is out of your life, you’ll need a healthier way to deal with stress and have fun. There’s a whole world of options out there. A few ideas include:

  • Get a change of scenery. Try challenging yourself to do something new every week.
  • Take a cooking class.
  • Learn to dance.
  • Go hiking or geocaching.
  • Volunteer with groups you care about such as animal shelters or the local theater.
  • Unwind with video games.
  • Create a spa in your own bathroom with scented candles, bath oils, etc.
  • Make new friends. Meetup and other apps can help you meet fellow board gamers, gardening enthusiasts, etc.

Change Your Routine

There’s a good chance that there are certain days of the week or times of the day when you’re most tempted by your addiction. Pinpointing when these are can help you come up with a new plan. You can change your routine to work around these triggers, setting you up for long term success.

If you need more help, reach out. Many places offer daily or weekly meetings where you can get support for free. Not near a major city? Check your local churches or community centers or look online for virtual support groups.

Consider a Sober Living NJ House

There’s no shame in admitting that you need a little more help after completing an addiction treatment program. That’s where our sober living NJ house can assist you. Our homes can help you transition back into your regular life, one step at a time. We offer a wide variety of programs with both outpatient and aftercare services.


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