Facts About Notary Publics
A notary public served the common good as an impartial and unbiased public witness for general certification of the integrity of an individual’s identity. They are needed for a wide variety of common civic tasks and functions. impartiality means that a notary never refuses a person because of race, nationality, religion, politics, sexual orientation. They are commonly used as witnesses when someone signs a document. If you think you are in need of one, contact Notary Services Pittsburgh PA.
What does a Notary Do?
A major purpose of notary publics is to authorize identities. A notary public performs a wide variety of professional witness services, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Administering oaths and affirmations
- Taking affidavits
- Recording depositions
- Receiving and certifying the validity of written agreements such as deeds, and powers of attorney
- Contributing to the deterrence of fraudulent identity
Qualification To Become a Notary Public
Notary Publics are licensed by the state in which they reside. In most states, the applicant must pass a notary public examination. These exams are usually scheduled regularly by the state. The application, accompanied by documentation of successful completion of the exam and an application fee, includes an oath of office that is revied, sworn, and notarized by an official state representative.
How are Notary’s Commissioned?
In general, a notary public is commissioned through the county of residence via the county clerk’s office. Once an application is received and approved the county clerk maintains a record of the credentials of the notary public. The general public may access this record and verify the “official” signature of the notary at the clerk’s office.
What if I have a document that was Fraudulently Notarized?
In some states, if a document is discovered to have been fraudulently notarized, it will be rendered null and invalid. In such a case, it will need to be properly notarized.