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4 Common Warehouse Safety Issues

Warehouses and industrial plants can be dangerous workplaces, a concept that is not surprising given the movement of heavy equipment, materials and machinery in such spaces. Keeping workers safe requires showing respect for safety guidelines and diligence in their enforcement. Because of the many possible safety challenges your workers can face, as a supervisor or building owner you need to consider your priorities. Here are the four areas that deserve the most attention and tips for dealing with them.

  1. Moving Equipment and Machinery

You need to look at all possible dangers around heaving equipment. Anything that rotates, lifts, pulls or moves in any way can cause serious injury. Often overlooked are missing fixed safeguard barriers that can keep fingers and toes from getting torn or crushed. For example, the wheels on pallet movers are usually exposed; simply installing FootGuardian pallet jack safety equipment Summerville SC will create a barrier that can keep the lift from rolling over a worker’s feet.

  1. Slips and Falls

Workplace slips, trips and falls can have serious consequences for employees and your business. Several conditions can cause employees to trip, slip or fall during the course of a busy shift. Too often, these accidents can be prevented by taking a few key steps: Light walkways, clean up material and wet spills, nail down mats and ensure railings are standard-sized and well-maintained.

  1. Falling Objects

When boxes or other materials overcome floor spaces, workers may pile these items up to unsafe heights. Stacked boxes can topple when disturbed, injuring anyone in the vicinity. Instruct workers to secure all loose items, and provide alternative storage if necessary to accommodate any overflow.

  1. Hazardous Materials

Dangerous, noxious liquids can cause burns to the skin and eyes. These and other hazardous materials need to be properly packaged, labeled and stored.

Warehouse or industrial complex owners and their managers need to be vigilant when it comes to worker safety. Too many opportunities for accidents spring up in these areas. Getting a handle on safety guidelines, and enforcing them continually, can make accidents a thing of the past.


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