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3 of the Most Common Lawsuits

The United States Legal System is an impressive and complex mechanism that was designed to uphold justice. It also provides recourse for citizens who have been victimized by individuals, businesses, or even the government itself, in some cases. It’s important for people to understand their rights as well as how they can seek remuneration if they have been wronged. Here are three of the most common lawsuits that can be brought to court in the hopes of getting justice and compensation.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death West Covina Ca covers a broad number of circumstances under which a loved one is killed. A wrongful death lawsuit can be brought against anyone from a negligent driver who kills someone in an auto accident to an assailant who kills someone through an act of violence. In can also cover medical accidents such as certain types of malpractice, neglect or medication-related deaths.

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination lawsuits are appropriate for people who feel that they have been fired from their job unfairly. This could be due to them being falsely accused of doing something improper. It could also involve dismissal as retaliation for whistleblowing, or even simply having to endure a hostile work environment.

Discrimination or Harassment

Along the same lines as wrongful termination, an employee may be entitled to sue an employer if they are being harassed or discriminated against at work. One of the most severe forms of this type of impropriety is sexual harassment. This is where an employee is made uncomfortable by being the subject of comments of a sexual nature, or even worse, being propositioned by a fellow employee or boss. Discrimination can also occur if a worker is singled out for their race, gender, religion, country of origin or status as a person with a disability.

In America, we are granted significant rights and courses of action to seek justice when those rights are violated. Know that if you are the victim of any of these actions, you have legal recourse.

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