Surakarta: Experience the Traditional and Cultural Diversity
Solo, also known as Surakarta, is an appealing tourist destination for both scholars of both music and dance researchers. As a tourist, you can have a fantastic opportunity to watch and take part in the traditional art performance, and craft works. An excellent experience in is waiting for you in Solo.
- Balekambang Park
It is a beautiful city park, in the heart of Surakarta disperse over 9.8 hectares, constructed in the year 1921 by KGPAA Mangkunegaran VII because of his cherished two brothers. The park has two sections, called after the brothers GRAy Partini Hussein Djayaningrat and GRAy Partinah Sukanta, whose statues you can see in the park. The park is a home for many trees, a number are rare and very precious. Before it was a private playground for the Balekambang family, but afterward during the time of KGGPA Mangkunegaran VIII, the stadium opened to the general public. The park hosts many festivals such as Kethoprak Festival, Umbrella Festival, and the Children Games Festival. Previously, the park was used only by the Surakarta citizen and presently attracts many foreign tourists. The playground is available to the public with no entrance ticket.
- Museum Batik Danar Hadi
Batik is an undercover method of dyeing the fabric using hot wax. The Batik museum was constructed in 1967 by Santosa Doellah. He built the museum to preserve the art of Batik. The museum can be found in Slamet Riyadhi Street and contains batik displays from all around the places like China, Sumatra, Pekalongan, and so forth. MURI has also acknowledged the Batik museum for having a very substantial number of batik collection. The museum also stipulates the process of creating batik in the workshop. There are also fabrics with batik prints available which you may buy as souvenirs.
- Cetho Temple
The 15th-century Cetho Temple constructed during the Majapahit rule stands as fine craftwork constituting historical Javanese Roman culture. The temple is proof that Hindus residing in Indonesia just before the people converted to Islam. Situated 1400 m above the sea level, on the western slopes of Mount Lawu. To make it to the temple, one must go through forest and tea plantation surrounding it.
- Sukuh Temple
The 15th-century Cetho Temple constructed during Majapahit rule acts as odd craftwork constituting historical Javanese Hindu civilization. Cetho temple also referred to as Candi Ceto from the country, was assembled by the last Hindu ruler, Brawijaya V, who traveled by foot to Mount Lawu to create this temple. The temple is of tremendous significance for Hindus living in Indonesia as it is one of the main temples in the country present before the nation embraced Islam religion. Situated 1400 m above the sea level, on the western slopes of Mount Lawu. To reach the temple, an individual must go through woods and tea plantation surrounding it.
- Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace
The palace was constructed in the year 1745 after which ruler Pakubuwono II. The castle got many exotic and lovely sculptures together with ancient weapons. The quiet area of King isn’t open for public, but there are other exciting locations you can see, like the museum in Kasunanan area and Sanggabuwana tower. Many times, traditional festivals and festivals take place in the palace like Suro Night to celebrate Javanese New year and Sekaten that celebrate Muhammad’s birthday.