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3 Tips for a Smoother Relocation

Moving can be a stressful time, especially when you are headed across the country or out of state. There are ways to help reduce the headache, hassle, and chaos that often accompanies relocation, and these are just a few ideas to get you started. The smoother you can transition to your new home, the more enjoyable the new chapter in your life will be.

Prepare Early On

Don’t wait to get everything packed and ready to go at the last minute. You will find the last few days and weeks before the move very intense, as you may be bombarded with dinner invitations or guests dropping in to say their goodbyes and extend well wishes. You will do yourself a huge service by planning and preparing your home for the move long before it takes place.

Ship What You Can

If you are moving out of state, you may want to consider shipping some of the things you will need early on. Whether you pack important personal items in shipping boxes Portland Oregon companies carry or you send a truck ahead of time with your furniture, things that you can get sent out and set up ahead of time make it easier on you when the time comes to physically relocate.

Make a Lot of Phone Calls

When you know you are moving, set aside one day to make all your phone calls. You will be calling utility companies, school systems, banks, and any other entity that needs to know about your transition. You will usually make these calls once you have your new address and a closing date for your house. Don’t put these calls of either. You can also complete a lot of this information online.

Planning well in advance of your move can make the process a little more manageable. Be patient with yourself, as relocating is an emotional and exhausting experience.

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