The Next John Branca UCLA: How To Get a Job in Entertainment
To many, finding a job in the entertainment industry is a dream come true. You get to meet interesting people, travel to beautiful destinations, and contribute to the success of the arts industry. Unfortunately, it is often thought of as a pipe dream, only achievable if you have established connections with the rich and famous.
While who you know is undoubtedly important, it is by no means the only path toward entertainment work. Entertainers and those who serve them come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring to the table myriad experiences that drive them toward success. If you are one of the many dreamers hoping to join their ranks, there are several steps you can take to ensure the best shot at reaching your professional, and thus personal, goals.
Expect the Unexpected
It’s no secret that actors, artists, and authors can be unique, even difficult, clients. They are often the type to brush off rules and deadlines, leaving you in the dark as you try your best to represent them. John Branca has shared countless stories of his experiences working with entertainers. While comical, they highlight a greater need for success in the industry: be prepared to work with all kinds of people, and be able to show flexibility, patience, and humor in the face of the unexpected.
John Branca on Being a Music Lawyer from John Branca on Vimeo.
Work Your Way Up
Your first job in entertainment may not be working for a famous musician or at your favorite record label, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good opportunity. Many get their start in the industry by taking volunteer positions or internships that provide little or no money but much-needed experience. You won’t get a job representing the best until you’ve demonstrated your ability to handle the basics of the job.
Remain Calm, Cool, and Collected
“Never let them see you sweat” is a common refrain in many industries, but it takes on new meanings in entertainment. No one wants to work with an attorney or representative who doesn’t seem confident in their abilities, nor do they care for those who are easily angered or anxious. Instead, keep your cool to show that you have the situation under control, and your expertise will elevate you and your clients to new levels of success.
No matter if you want to produce music videos, represent artists in court cases, or manage your own PR firm, it takes a lot of time and patience to find a worthwhile job in the entertainment industry. If you work hard work and put on a winning personality, though, the stars are the limit.